• Design for All - slide 1
  • Design for All - slide 2
  • Design for All - slide 3
  • Design for All - slide 4
  • Design for All - slide 5

Design for All
Office Of Public Works & the Department of Justice Equality and Law Reform

This was a travelling exhibition focusing on the principles of Design for All within the built environment. It is in itself an example ofDesign for All.
The design was generated in consultation with the European Institute for Design and Disability, the National Disability Authority, special needs organisations and disabled people.
The exhibition toured various venues countrywide and was displayed at the 2nd European Conference of Ministers responsible for integration policies for people with disabilities in Malaga.

I have been promoting the design for all idea in various guises for the past fifteen years and can safely say that the Design for All exhibition is the best evocation of these concepts which has been seen in Ireland. It will be a natural compliment to the promotion of the Barcelona Declaration.
Paul Hogan, European Institute for Design and Disability

The exhibition dealt with the very difficult subject of access for the disabled in public buildings but it was handled with enormous imagination, taste, tact and effectiveness. I would not be surprised if this exhibition were to win an award in its own right.
Dr. Michael Ryan, Director of the Chester Beatty Library