• Knock Museum - slide 3
  • Knock Museum - slide 1
  • Knock Museum - slide 2

Knock Museum

Since 2004 we have collaborated with this site, planning, designing and researching in order to capture the compelling story and engage visitors spirtually and emotionally.
2009, Knock Museum was awarded full accreditation in the Museum Standards Programme for Ireland.
The site was voted second in the Museum of the Year Awards.

2011, we redesigned the reception and retail area, This increased turnover from less that €20,00 per year to over €140,000 per year.
2016, we continued the development, linking the Museum more closely with other site activites and bringing the witness story into the present day through visitor activities.

Ann ensured a perfect balance between the requirements of the museum and design considerations. She had a creative vision that inspired and energised the entire project to the end, was always open to making amendments and changes as the project progressed and contactable at all times.
Grace Mulqueen, Curator